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Documentation: An insight in the child’s learning

When entering a Reggio Emilia-inspired classroom, you might have noticed the documentation displays around the classroom. Besides not only looking beautiful, it also serves a purpose. These pieces are intentionally made by the educators and transform single moments into meaningful records of learning journeys. Understanding the art of documentation can change the way you approach teaching and its outcomes.

But why is documentation a powerful tool, and how can it contribute to the learning and development of children?


The power of documentation

Documentation is used in many educational philosophies, including Reggio Emilia-inspired learning, Montessori, and project-based learning. It's not just a collection of single moments; it's about capturing and tracking the child's learning experiences from the first steps they take until they become experts. Documentation has a central role in the discourse of meaning-making and is seen as an important device for the construction of an ethical relationship with the “other” and the world. It is a narrative of children's, teachers', and parents' lives.

Documentation has a central role in the discourse of meaning-making and is seen as an important device for the construction of an ethical relationship with the “other” and the world. It is a narrative of children's, teachers', and parents' lives.

Fostering open questions in your classroom:

  • Child centered learning: Reggio Emilia places a strong emphasis on child-centered learning, where educators observe and respond to children's interests and ideas. Through documentation, these moments are captured, allowing the educator to tailor the curriculum to the children's interests and needs.
  • Reflection and Assessment: Documentation serves as a method for teachers to reflect on their teaching practices. By reviewing documentation, educators can assess the effectiveness of their approach and make adjustments to better support each child's development.
  • Communication and collaboration: Documentation serves as a means of communication between educators, parents, and children themselves. It supports the children in sharing their experiences and learned skills. Besides, it enables educators to communicate effectively about the children's development, strengths, and areas of growth.

Tips for effective documentation

Any educator who has created documentation before knows how time-consuming it can be, especially when starting to incorporate programs like Photoshop, which offer endless possibilities. How can you create documentation in an effective manner?

  • Be present: Observation is the foundation of documentation. Be present in the moment, paying attention to the children's actions, thoughts, and conversations. Have a notebook or recorder ready to record children's quotes and take photos of what they're doing.
  • Use technology wisely: Digital tools can enhance your documentation and make it more time-efficient. For example, when your photos directly upload to the drive which you can access via the program you're using to make your documentation, this will save you time. Also, online programs to remove backgrounds can, in some cases, help. We are piloting an extension on Google Slides with integrated fonts, so no more changing font sizes when documenting children's quotes.
  • Involve the children: Encourage children to participate in the documentation process. They can describe observations, add experiences, and write down thoughts directly on the documentations itself.

Documentation is an ongoing process; it gives meaning to what we do, serves as a tool to assess where children are, and provides feedback on how to adapt the learning moving forward. It's a tool that empowers educators, parents, and children to be a part of the learning journey. We can unlock new possibilities for learning and foster a deeper understanding of the incredible potential within each child.